
what our readers say

I anticipated it to be your normal dystopian future story, however unlike most of these tales, it didn’t start off with a large knowledge dump. The characters are interesting. They also take you on an intriguing roller coaster experience as part of what they do. After I began reading it, I found it difficult to put it down. The era and the major people were wonderful. Excellent! Instant interaction, building romance, greed, power, outright danger and a failing marriage. Everything is amazingly put. I wasn’t sure when I started but the storyline is outstanding and it quickly became engrossed. It was read-in-one-go book and sadly I finished it pretty quickly. It was difficult for me to stop beyond halfway except to go to sleep. The building suspense seemed never ending. I will be looking forward to read more from Stephen Paul and I definitely suggest reading this book! Two cheers for it.

Maria Jones

The plot is lengthy and it moves along nicely. Each scene is comparable to a thread being gradually dragged tighter and tighter in a tapestry until the grand finale, when we finally see the big image and how everything fits together. To maintain track of all the numerous plot lines and make sure they intersect at the appropriate times, the writing is brilliant. This book is stunning! I was hesitant to open it for fear of ruining it in some way, but my curiosity eventually won out and I had a peek inside. It really is lovely. For anyone with young children, I’m sure it would be a family heirloom! Even if all of my children and grandchildren are adults, I still want to cherish it! I adore the narrative so much. It was one of the best and I got hooked as soon as I began reading it.

Eric Wright

It was an excellent read. I had to work tonight, but I was eager to find out how it would all end. The plot was so intriguing therefore I’m delighted to know how it would end. Paul is the best storyteller there is. This is a tale of betrayal, family, and love, with trust and hope ultimately triumphing. He clearly illustrates how falsehoods, hatred, greed, and intolerance have an adverse effect on the lives of those affected by them. His characters are incredibly convincing and each have their own distinct personalities that interact to create a compelling narrative. The plot was so compelling that I can’t put the book down since I’m so absorbed in another world and desperately wishing for a nice ending. It was well worth staying up late to read and getting up sluggish the next morning! An essential work by Stephen Paul. Never give up writing!

John Matthew

The pages of this book lay flat, and the printing is crystal clear, making it a pleasure to read. It’s difficult to discover books with such high standards and amazing illustrations. A straightforward joy. I obviously enjoy a nice feel-good story, but the most have diminishing rewards. It might have been fantastic the first time you read it, passable the second, and less so the third and subsequent times. With each new reading, I anticipate that my already tremendous enthusiasm for this book will only increase. I am glad that I selected this book by Stephen. Because the characters are so well-drawn, there is no black or white in this story, which is crucial given the subject. It takes some skill to make your reader love and despise a character at the same time. The characters’ movements were also simply but astutely described; I don’t believe I’ve ever done it before, and it greatly enhanced the action in each scene.

Daniella Johnson

Suspense galore!

A fast moving story with twists around every corner! Was hooked right away by the author. Watching for more from him!


Well written and you can tell the author is familiar with subject matter. Starts off with a major event and keeps building from there. Just when you think you know where this ride is going it corkscrews on you. Couldn’t ask for more from a nice easy and captivating weekend read! Look forward to more.

Amazon Customer

A good thriller full of bad guys and action!

I enjoyed this book and the characters in it. It was fast paced and full of really good bad guys.
